However, when Cade decided he wanted to play, he began to practice in the driveway constantly. We laughed about the fact that basketball did not seem to be his particular talent and really laughed when the coach (after football season) asked him to play on the basketball team without trying out. When Cade told me, I laughed and said, "Did you tell the coach that you stink at basketball?" His response, "I KNOW!!" lol... So funny.
Fast forward a couple of months and I can truly say, we have so enjoyed basketball season! Cade has improved SO much and not only plays on the 6th grade team, but also the 7th grade team! I do have to say that he plays basketball like a true football player :) He leaves it all on the court and I will admit that I cringe numerous times a game. Let's just say...I'm glad I'm not on the court playing on the other team!!
I am so proud of him. Not for playing well, but for being willing to put himself out there and try something out of his comfort zone. I also love that he is willing to put in the hard work to see the rewards. Here are some shots of my boy in action :

Love that boy!
Yay Cade! I loved watching Darren play and now Hayden. He is so talented at so many things.
Awesome pictures, Jen!!
Tell Cade he's a stud.
: )
Love ya!!
Hmmm... Does his team need anyone else? I am guessing, not!!! Cade - I know you only know me as your Mom's friend, Miss Di... But, just know I am a crazy sports fan too. And, I love living vicariously through your Mama with all your "boy" sports!!!! I think you would love Minnesota. We need to get a hockey stick in your hand next!!!!!!!
God has blessed you Cade!! I can't wait to see what sport you pick as your favorite!!!!
~Miss Di
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