Are you sick of hearing me talk about the dance recital yet?? Hang in there...just a couple more weeks and it will be a thing of the past :( I have to say that I have surprised myself. I didn't really know if I would enjoy the "girl sports" because I enjoy the boys so much...but I do!!
I sat in on rehearsal this morning to take some pics and I am so glad I did. I can't look at them without cracking up. Let me explain...Our teacher, Ms. Becca, emailed us videos of both the tap and ballet numbers to practice during the week. You might (or might not) know that I'm pretty competive, and I took her seriously. The girls have loved practicing their numbers all week long and have gotten very good at them! One side effect of seeing the dances so many times is that Gracie has learned not only the dance, but the song. She has always sung the song while they dance, but today she belted out most of was hysterical! Honestly, she is the life of that party and doesn't even know it. Thankfully, they put her on the back row because she's such a wild card, she might have everyone running circles up there before it's over :)
You can see her teacher getting a good laugh at her. (For the two knew that dance better than anyone in there :) lol... (btw...Gracie tore that hole in her tights on the way to dance! argh!!!)

This is their solo during the daddy dance. The song is a mixture of Indiana Jones and Walk Like an Egyptian. She is supposed to be "walking like an Egyptian" here, but Gracie "gallops like an Egyptian"! She completely passes up the little girl in front of her, but gets right back to the right place as she gallops back the other way. Notice all the older girls behind her...every one of them is cracking up at her as she gallops back to her spot!
I have to give a shout out to my awesome hubby and my sweet daddy. They have been practicing twice a week for a couple of months and I have never heard them complain once! What sweet memories they are making with my precious girls. I am truly blessed.
As you might have guessed, Wesleigh is my total "rule follower". She stands on her spot and does her dance, exactly like Ms. Becca has told her to. She doesn't let Gracie phase her one bit :)