Di....this dress looks adorable on WJ!! Don't let Sienna see!!! ;)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Paw Paw Came for a Visit
Kate is paperclipping a "name tag" that she made to his shirt. They were sweet enough to babysit that evening so the 3 big girls could go out to dinner. It was SO nice to be able to sit and have a conversation without someone yelling "mommy!!"
Thanks Maw Maw and Paw Paw!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Girl's Trip

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Too Cute!!
Ainsley has been such a great big sister to all 4 girls this week. She is a doll, and Wesleigh adores her!
Friday, August 20, 2010
It's funny how your perspective on things change as your situation changes. I remember coming home with Cade (#3) and all of a sudden anyone with only 2 kids who complained about being busy drove me crazy! Fact was, until that moment, I thought having two children was busy too. After Cade, having 2 seemed like a picnic.
Well, the same thing seems to have happened again. Wesleigh and I are leaving town for a week (more on that later). Seven months ago, I would have thought that leaving Richard to deal with all 3 boys for an entire week would be huge. Now, I think it sounds like a vacation!! Sure, he'll be busy toting kids from here to there but he won't have to give one bath, change one diaper or buckle anyone into a carseat. I know they'll all miss us, but truth is, they'll enjoy the break. And guess what...I'm going to enjoy the break from stinky football uniforms, football practices, carpool, and homework!
So about this trip...I have been looking forward to this trip for months!! Wesleigh and I are going to meet her and her for a few days at the beach. These women have become two of my very closet friends and I can't wait to spend some time with them and their precious girls. Diana and I have never even met in person!! I don't expect we'll stop talking the entire time we're there!
Tonight, I pulled out another new nightgown. Once again, Wesleigh about lost her mind over it! She couldn't wait to show everyone. I decided to get a little video of her. Since she'll be meeting alot of new friends next week, we've been working on saying their names, so you'll hear that too. She has the sweetest little voice you've ever heard!! (Please don't judge her hair..we were straight out of the tub :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
True Love
Friday, August 13, 2010
Girly Girl

She is so silly and cracks us up all the time. She has become the heartbeat of this family!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Back To School