I can't get the pictures to center!! It's driving me CRAZY!! Anyone have any ideas?

We've been home now for 4 months! I can't even believe it. It's beginning to feel like she's always been here. The transformation that has taken place in 4 short months is nothing short of amazing. In just this past month, she has come so far!!

I'm just going to list what she is doing now so I can remember later:
She can run very fast
Her language has exploded. She is using tons of words on a daily basis.
She answers "ok" alot. It is adorable. You'll say, "let's go change your diaper" and she answers, "ok".
She loves the swimming pool and is not scared at all.
She tells me, "need eat" when she's hungry :)
She can hit a ball off a tee with a bat!
She can blow bubbles.
She still cheers very loud for her brothers at ball games.
She stays with MawMaw sometimes.
She loves to be scared. I jump out at her and she squeals.
She still moves all kinds of things around the house. If I can find my comb in the morning, it's a good day.
She can climb up on the kitchen chairs and almost anything else.
She could climb the stairs in no time if we let her.
She's not the best at sharing...we're working on that.
She does not like me on the phone or computer...ever!!
She's still a peanut. I love it because she's very easy to tote.
She waves and blows kisses to everyone in Walmrt.
She can point out all her features (ears, eyes, nose, etc.)
Elmo and Abby are her absolute favorite!
She has started to show some interest in the potty. She will take her diaper off and say, "potty". We're not always successful, but it's a start.
She still loves anyone with a phone (Iph0ne's preferred ;)
She will go up to anyone and ask for what they're eating. (sometimes very embarrassing!)
Popsicles are her favorite.
I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now. I'll have to come back to it.
Wesleigh is such a blessing. She is very easy going (for the most part) and just fits in our family perfectly. The boys still adore her. I knew they would love her, but thought the novelty would have worn off by now. Not at all...they are great with her. They can get her to go to sleep like Richard can. We found this out when Rich went out of town last week. She will not lay down for me, but will for all the boys. This is a great discovery!! They just can't ALL go somewhere at the same time!!
My sweet girl.