Yesterday was Bryce's SENIOR prom!! I cannot believe it! Now graduation is really just around the corner!! I am so excited for him and so proud of him that it's hard to be sad for myself (although, I am just a little). He has plans to attend LSU in the fall and live in a dorm on campus. That is something I never got to experience so I'm excited for him (and maybe living a little vicariously through him :) He is also planning to try out for the LSU marching band.. I can't wait!
It was supposed to be raining during picture time and I was already stressing. We lucked out though and the rain held off! We were able to use my front porch because of the overcast skies, so it was perfect!

Bryce and Ally

Bryce and Christian. These two have been in school together since 1st grade!!! Hard to believe it! Christian's mom is actually Wesleigh's teacher this year. I love that they have grown up together!

The group. One of the girls didn't have a date, so she brought her own :) Darth was pretty funny.

I love this of the two of them :)

Christian and Emily

Josh and Anna. Anna is a new friend of Bryce's this year. She was a complete God-send for him this year!

I will try to get moving on this blog! Gracie's birthday is Tuesday, so I will definitely have a post for that :)
Wow -- such a handsome son you have and all of the couples look so fabulous!
Can't believe my grandson is so grown up and handsome! I am so proud of you, Bryce! Happy for him - a little sad for me - didn't know I'd relive my own "empty nest" "adjustment"! Never looked ahead enough to imagine my daughter experiencing it! What a blessing you are, Bryce! Can't wait to see all God does with your life.
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