The girls were so excited to finally dance in "the big show".
They were true to their personalities. Gracie was completely in her element and loved every minute of the stage. I truly believe she thinks the whole event is about her! Wesleigh was busy trying to make sure she remembered every step and executed it exactly right! I love how different they are. The crowd, however, seems to appreciate Gracie's style of dance a little more. She is definitely a crowd favorite and as we walked through the crowd afterward, we got lots of smiles and compliments. You can see their different styles in these pics :)

It was my brother's turn to dance in the "daddy dance". Their theme was disco. OH MY...was it GREAT!!

Keep in mind, my brother is a city councilman in our city. I told him I think I have his next campaign photo here!!

Yes...he had a solo part :)

Are those costumes not the cutest???

The other themes for the daddy dances were Motown and Annie. SO cute!!
After the show, the girls were thrilled to get flowers.

All my boys were happy to attend and support their sisters. They love to see what they do. They did, however, get a little antsy as we got into the 4th hour!! Especially since Braden had played 2 baseball games starting at 8:00 that morning! Next year, they will split the show into two :)

I just love these boys. My girls don't know how good they have it. Their brothers will do anything for them!!

I almost forgot. This might be my favorite pic! I happened to be able to see this backstage wing from my seat. Don't you know...I spent the whole dance before the girls' watching to see if I could get a shot of one of mine. LOVE how she's watching those big girls!!

Fun fun fun, and awesome costumes. I miss dance recitals (our girls said no this year...)
You look gorgeous, by the way.
oh my goodness I LOVE these. Of course Gracie totally cracks me up!!!! And Wesleigh oh I just love her!!! What precious girls you have! I so love how different they are, what a blessing, they will always be such a great support for each other. Love you friend and miss you!!
The costumes are amazing! How sweet!
You have a beautiful family, all the pictures are awesome!!
Ah-dorable! It's so cute to see how different they are. And that daddy daughter dance is too fun. Oh the things dad's will do for their little girls.
Nice pic in this blog. Thanks for sharing your blog information.I like your blog.
Dance Academy in Mohali
So cute. I always love seeing your photos from the dance recital. That Gracie is full of so much spunk!
Absolutely ADORABLE! Please tell me you have video of Joel's solo!! :)
Oh myyyy I was waiting for these!!! FIRST OFF...the costumes are to AWESOME!!!! Gracie of course tickled me to pieces!! I have to say...when Bre danced (the girls has WAYYY TO MUCH ENERGY NOW...she is in gymnastics now) the recital was BRUTALLY LONG...yes 4.5 hours. I thought that was wayyy to long and by the end of the night, we had more kids in tears than they had kids in tutu's!!! Of course, Bre was still going happily along, but I was DEAD ON MY FEET!!! It was literally an ALL DAY THING!!! So glad that your "school of dance" decided to break it up next year. I wish they would take the same initiative here locally. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures and I agree...the girls are LUCKY to have such adoring brothers!!
Oh my stars! I just laughed SO hard!! You can TOTALLY see the difference in personalities b/n your two cutie pies! And that shot at the end is priceless!!
You took some amazing shots of your beautiful sweet girls!!! LOVE! Love your family photo too!!! What a wonderful night!!! Blessings and love!
Such cuties!!!! Their different personalities crack me up - the look of concentration on Wesleigh's face is precious, Miss Gracie's BIG dance moves will be legendary :)
Thanks for sharing!
It's such a shame that Gracie doesn't have more of a personality isn't it?!?! ;)
She is such a riot!!
I'd like to see your brother and Gracie Joy have a solo together. Wouldn't that be something?
Wesleigh is pure perfection. And those sweet doting brothers will all make great dads some day.
Oh these are absolutely adorable!!!! I can totally see their personalities shining through in every shot.
You look gorgeous too!
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