It has been amazing to watch my girls become sisters. Because I'm with them both everyday, I don't think I have really noticed how strong their bond has become. When I took Gracie for 2 weeks to Cincinnati three months after she had come home, they loved to see each other on skype but there was no talk about missing each other. This week was different!
Richard and I brought Wesleigh to see a new pediatric neurosurgeon in Birmingham. We were only gone one night, but both my girls missed the other one greatly. We decided to spoil Wesleigh the entire time and fill her up with all the love and attention we could, since she has to share it with 4 others at home! She ate it up!
We took her to Build a Bear(which she never knew existed!). She was in hog heaven!

Of course, she had to make one for her sister!

She was in heaven "living" in the hotel and sleeping between the two of us.

And we thoroughly enjoyed being able to spend some time with just her. We were able to focus on everything she said fully. She truly is the sweetest, cutest thing ever! You can imagine the people who fawned over her everywhere we went :)

But...even with all this excitement, there were still moments when her eyes would well up with those big crocodile tears and she said "I miss my sister". She fully enjoyed herself, but I don't think she felt complete without her sister.
On the homefront, Gracie had no trouble going to school by herself and had a brother lay down with her to help her go to sleep at night, but she missed her sister too. She would utter the same words "I miss my sister".
Wesleigh was so excited as we were driving into the neighborhood. I couldn't wait to see what their reaction would be!
Here it is: (Listen closely to what Wesleigh says as she runs through the laundry room)
On the medical side, we found a doctor that we loved and fully trust with the decisions that will need to be made for Wesleigh in the future. In case you're not aware, Wesleigh has spina bifida. Because of this condition, her spinal cord is tethered. She has a 50/50 chance that she will need a delicate surgery to de-tether her cord in the future. It is a big decision and you definitely want a doctor that you trust to help you make it. You might remember that our local doctor was a complete a$$ to us the last time we were there. There was NO way I would darken that door again!
The good news is that he was completely smitten and impressed with our girl. He said she was well above average on her function and he thought she was doing amazing.
Again, I marvel at the fact that God chose me to be her mom. I can't get over the detail with which God presented her file to me in a way that I couldn't close the door at the words "spina bifida". What a blessing this journey has been! What a precious gem Wesleigh Jane is!
What precious time to share and spoil your girl. I just love to see how the girls just love each other so much. Joe and I have talked about having that for Mia. Someone to share with. Though the boys are totally smitten by her. :) Oh....I was going to text you but if you see this what were the shoes you buy the girls that do not scuff. :)
Aaww, that brings tears to my eyes!
My girls are the same way, it swells my heart everytime they hug b/c they've missed each other.
Great to hear you found a trusting doc.
That video is sooo cute!! I'm glad you found a doctor you can trust! Birmingham huh? We just got orders to move to Mobile this summer! We can't wait to go house shopping in another month or so!
Oh my, that video made my day! I am up in Boston, waiting for "Snowmaggedon" -- 2-3 FEET of snow! So thank you!
How sweet, it brought tears to my eyes watching them embrace each other . I too had two brothers, one in heaven now, and always longed for a sister but was blessed with cousins who I consider to be sisters.
So glad you found a doctor whom you feel comfortable with.
Oh how this post make me smile!! We are so thrilled that God would allow us to adopt again and that our daughter will have a sister (well, a little brother too :). Thank you for sharing about their sweet bond and that it is something that has grown over time.
Hello! I have followed your blog for a while now. I can not remember what got me to you! One reason I do follow is because of Wesleigh's condition and once you said surgeon in Bham today I just had to be nosey! Would your doctor be Dr. Oakes? If so, you are in the BEST hands. Our daughter Lillian had this same surgery 17 years ago and has done great!
Kim Crouch
Athens, AL
Oh, I love this post. I'm so glad that Wesleigh Jane had some "just me" time with you and Richard. The video is adorable. I love when they hug and sway back and forth. (I couldn't really hear what WJ said at first when she entered the laundry room.) Praying for all good things for your sweet girl.
That video was a blessing! I love their hug, but I really like how Wesleigh ran right to your Dad to hug him, too;) We girls love our daddies and it is so sweet to me to see the bond between grandfathers/granddaughters.
I am so happy that all went well with your visit to this new Doctor. Yaho! How sweet is the girls relationship. I hope our daughter will bond with her new sister and be the best of friends. I never had a sister either, but was always jealous of those that did.
LOVED reading this post! I totally agree with the sister thing. SO thankful we brought home a sister fro EK... totally changed her life! I don't know if you know Payne has spina bifida too. We take him for his baseline data on Feb 21 to 4 different specialists. He too is amazing and SO thankful to know we face some of the same things in the future. Blessings and love!
PS LOVE the reunion... priceless!!! XO
this post just makes me happy:)!!!
That is just the sweetest sister reuinion ever! Adorable and so special that they have each other for life.
That is so beautiful Jen!!!! I adore seeing how much they love each other. I so wish Kate had that but I don't think God planned that:(
It is truly wonderful to spend that time with just one child. You can tell w ate it up.
We also got to do that yesterday with Harry and he was so different by himself. We had some great conversations with him and the 3 of us laughed a lot,
I am so glad you liked the doctor in Birmingham and that you feel good about his expertise.
You know this video of Tea Cup and GJ just makes me smile!!! They have come so far... The patience of sweet W, and the un-containable joy of Miss G has made this duo one special pair.. Can't praise God enough for choosing this precious twosome for you!!!! And, thankful I get to live it with you daily.. Even though its long distance! (Waaahhhhh)
Thankful for Dr. B too!!!!!
I can never read your blog without my own eyes filling with tears! I grew up with two younger sister and a best friend/family friend who was basically a sister and the fun and trouble we would get into is something I will always treasure and hope my own kids can enjoy too! Enjoy your Mardi Gras break...can't wait to see the girls on Valentine's day!
Did she say "can't wait!" ? Too adorable. Glad you got good news on Miss Wesleigh!
SO sweet!!! Loved watching Wesleigh run in and hug Gracie!! I see pics of them together and wish Kati also had a sister to grow up with! I had 4 sisters...nothing better!!
So many fun years ahead!! Enjoy!
Oh this is the sweetest! They are such a perfect pair! You know how I feel about the sister thing ( remember our conversation almost 3 years ago!) Where does the time go!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Makes one's heart melt! So, so, so important to have a medical team you feel confident in and connects with you as a family. Glad you found him!
Everything about this post was just precious! Your girls are so blessed to have each other and the love of your family!
oh that made me cry!!! They are just so sweet together. I see the same relationship building with my two and I love it!
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