If you know anything about my girls, you would assume that Gracie is my brave child and Wesleigh is more timid about new things. That would seem to make more sense, but it's actually not the way it is! Wesleigh is much more adventurous than Gracie at this point. Wesleigh was so excited to go on this slide. Cade brought her up thinking he would go down with her, but when they made it to the top he found out they would not let them go at the same time! He ended up going down first so he could wait for her at the bottom. Wesleigh was not upset one bit. She let the worker at the top give her a shove and down she went! She got out of the pool and walked straight back to the stairs to do it again!! She must have gone down this slide about 15 times! About half of those times she didn't have enough momentum to make it to the bottom so she had to push herself to the end and jump off...so cute! Once the counselors knew her a little better, they would almost throw her down the slide a bit so she would go fast enough to reach the end. She loved it!!
So what did Gracie say when we asked if she wanted to go? "No way! Scaaawwwwy!" lol...

My goofball Cade.

Lori and her new friend Gracie Joy! Lori....I lub your flowers!! lol...

Hudson was such a cutie taking these pics! At first, he acted like we were torturing him, but then he didn't want to get up! He just sat there grinning surrounded by all those girls! lol...

Three spicy Hunan girls!! I think they resemble each other...although I have no idea where Gracie's wavy hair comes from :)

Cade and Trey...a friendship that began in China over 2 years ago (see next pic).

Cade and Trey in Guangzhou. Love their shirts :)

We have been loving summer and spending lots of pool days with friends. That is my favorite thing to do in the summer! We are busy too, though and I know summer will be gone before we know it! Time just goes too fast!!! I haven't figured out how to slow it down yet though!!! Hope you are all having a fun summer!!
It looks like you had SO MUCH fun! I LOVE W's sense of adventure! She sounds like her Mama!!!
I am LOVING that YOU are blogging about Kanakuk instead of me. Hahaha!
The pictures are awesome and so fun to look at.
It amazes me how much Cade and Trey have grown.
Such handsome boys!
Miss you guys already.
Love you!
PS. Love Cade's XL Mens Kanakuk Tank!!!!! ; )
This looks like such an amazingly fun time! :-)
That looks like so much fun!!! So funny about Gracie and Wesleigh, Janie is mine that will try anything, so now Madeline will try since she WILL NOT be outdone by her little sister:)
Thanks for the smiles, Jennifer! Sweet, sweet memories! Finally meeting YOU was one of them! You have a gift for capturing each personality in your photos, as seen so perfectly in the photo of all our China babies! LOVED the photo of sweet Gracie Joy sitting next to me in the pool... brings a smile every time! I guess I just have a soft spot for those Hunan girls!
Hugs from Florida! Lori
I can't believe how brave Wesleigh was to go down that BIG slide all by herself. And how great that Cade and Trey could reconnect. Those three Hunan girls are quite the beauties!
So fun!! I love your precious family and so glad that I finally got to meet y'all! Even though it felt like I already had! :) Let's definitely make plans to meet up again next year...and maybe we'll have a little more time to visit!
Love this post of Teacup flying down the slide!!!! Even I would have to give that a whirl. It looks like a blast!!!! So glad you had this fun experience!!!!! And, that you made some very special friends while you were there!!
Giving thanks for air conditioning while i type today!!!
I am amazed W got on that slide~ maybe? EK would but just don't think so~ loved every photo!!! XO
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