I still have more beach pics to post and then some baseball pics to :) I'm going to try to get through those pretty quick so I can move on!

This is the closest thing I have to a family picture this trip. The boys were never all in the same place and I didn't chase them down this trip. Looking through the pics, I don't know if I have one picture of Cade (except baseball)! Oh well...he was way too busy to worry with his mom :)

Braden and part of his crew. I remember the days when all Braden did at the beach was put on goggles, grab a net and search for creatures in the water the entire day. Now, all they want to do is walk the beach and search for cute girls :( Yuck! Give me the sea creatures any day!!

The girls taking turns with Paw Paw.

Cade is at church camp this week and he is having a blast. He has been excited about this trip for the entire summer! I am so happy that he was able to go. I have realized this week that Cade is alot of work!!! He always wants attention and must say my name a million times a day...most of the time, just so I'll look at him!! I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this little break :) Of course, I will be happy to get him back :)