We attend a really big, contemporary Christian church that I love. For the past 5 years, they have hosted a huge women's conference called "Live the Dream". I have always come up with a convenient excuse each year...until now. This year, I was counting down the days to this conference. I knew it was exactly what I needed. Not only a physical break from the routine for a short time, but an infusion of faith, grace and encouragement. I got just that! It was amazing.
I had to laugh, though, usually when I am away and Richard is home with the kiddos, he makes it a point to have everything clean and picked up when I get home. His intentions are pure, but I have to admit that it has made me feel inadequate at times, and like he's showing me up. I decided long ago that I should just be happy that he was willing to do it and get over myself. It beats the alternative of coming home to a disaster!! But this time was different! I came home to the house looking just as disasterous as it was when I left, and both girls had been put in pull-ups! I think he was a little surprised at the number of accidents and the amout of stress the potty caused throughout the day. Yes...I feel validated...that it really is alot :)
*Before anyone judges me on the fact that the girls are having potty trouble, please understand that Gracie's sn is potty related. I'm not going to get into it right this minute, but we're working on getting her figured out. Wesleigh is just lazy about it still. We're working on that too.
I felt like each and every speaker spoke directly to me. In fact, the last speaker (Priscilla Shirer) was talking about giants you might face in your life. Out of her mouth came, "It might be that you are called to parent a specific child". Her next statement was "You are right where God wants you to be". Yep...that was for me. I don't know if anyone else in the room even heard her say it because it was just for me :)
Anyway, I just wanted to get this down. I want to be able to look back and remember. I'll post the other Halloween pics later. Here's a pic I've been wanting to share. I just love these! They're Mini Boden. Wesleigh's was a hand-me-down, so I ordered one for Gracie. It's a little different from the first, and I love that. In fact, I think this is what we're wearing to church tomorrow :)

oh sweet friend, how I relate!
Praying for you:)
Oh, I love the title to this post! I love it when someone asks me how I'm doing and I respond, "you know, livin the dream"! All the while, I've been sitting in carpool for 30 minutes with socks and flip flops on, no makeup, baseball hat and the kids are fighting in the backseat amidst the McDonalds wrappers :)
Aaahhhhhhh, yes, the dream.
I am so glad you got to get some refreshment! I love Priscilla! And how awesome tht she ministered right to your heart. I know you are trying to get your feet underneath you right now, just remember this is temporary! These troubles really are light and momentary and you will find your new normal soon!!
And love the Boden dresses! I can't wait to have sisters to dress alike :)
Love this post, you are not having a pity party just keepin it real:) I thought about you last night when LSU won ha. We are big UT fans so can't go for Alabama under any circumstances:)
I am just now wrapping my brain around actually having 2 littles to keep up with and this past week was BAD with just her majesty alone,not to mention that I am addicted to the computer waiting on LOA. Looking forward to not even turning the computer on for a whole month:)
The girls are just precious and I know you will find your new normal soon, the potty issues alone are hard to deal with. I will be praying for you all!!
wonderful post! You are one inspiring lady!
I am one of your blog stalkers:), but had to comment on this post. I am the mom of 4 bio kids, the last two a surprise 40th bday gift from God. So my babies are 6, 3, and11months. And our lives may never be in order again! I started reading "weird: cause normal isnt working" and he points out that God gives us more than enough time to accomplish his goals each day. Maybe not for all we pile on ourselves, but more than enough for his desires. Wow! Such a statement for a mom that strives for perfection in everything. But it has made me think about reprioritizing and being a little easier on myself. And those happy faces on your babies and mine say that we are getting somethings just right.
Your girls are so lovely! You´re so lucky :) kisses from Spain ;)
I am so glad that your soul was able to be refreshed. I so understand what you are saying. I feel the same way almost every day. Nothing of me left at the end of the day and still so much more that needs to be done and given.
Love the girl's pictures....And life is never simple... and if it is .. something is wrong..
Love you .. you are an AMAZING woman..
Oh my goodness - I am right there with you! (and we've been home with our littlest for a year and a half now!) The crazy seems to have changed in the time since our youngest came home but three big kids, and two little girls close together in age just seems to be a recipe for one crazy, busy life ;) I love it, and certainly wouldn't change mine, but it is definitely different!
As for potty training - I think it's awesome that the girls are working on it, and wanted to encourage you :) It seems to be one of those issues that makes us feel so much pressure and people feel free to comment about, but our ped. told me long ago not to even push it or make it an issue because you have no control over that department, and I have found it to be true. It works out when they are ready. Our littlest just finished potty training, and I think she's pretty close to your sweet girls in age. It is so nice when they get there, and I know your girls will be there soon.
The conference sounds wonderful - wish I had one to go to ;)
Sara :)
Thank you for sharing your heart. We all need a break from time to time. It took me a while to realize that I'm a better mom for taking some time out. The girls are beyond beautiful and are so blessed to have YOU!
I can totally relate to how you're feeling. There's just so much to do when you have kids, and not enough hours in the day. I just try to prioritize, b/c I know it's not going to all get done. I'm still working on that... :)
As for the potty training...I have a lazy one, too, so I totally understand your frustrations. Mine just turned 4 and does much better now, but still has the occasional accident. I was beginning to wonder if she'd ever get it, but she will :) Hang in there...
I love this post!! I love that you are keeping it real, soooo many people feel the need & pressure to make our lives to be wrapped up in a pretty bow & perfect. Our son has been home 15 1/2 months & we love him more than words & we know that God had every detail planned out in him being our son but it is not always easy & it is not always wrapped just right. Everyone always goes on about how sweet he is & he is truly a sweet boy but trust me he has his days just like everyone does especially every 4 year old, we have had some big issues to work through that everyone else does not see everyday but we wouldn't change it for anything!!!!! Thanks for keeping it real. Blessings.
I love priscilla shirer...I am doing her online bookclub The Resolution for Women. I would love to see her in person at a conference. Love their dresses.
I would have loved to join you for your weekend! :)
And let me just say it loud and proud . . . I LOATHED potty training. You hear the stories of kids who potty train themselves and kids who take one look at an M&M and go on demand. Let me just say, those were not my kids.
I remember one of my girls standing in a cart and peeing all over the floor of a store. I was mortified and so frustrated. And then I just figured that she wouldn't still be doing that in Kindergarten so I was going to stop worrying about it.
Love the jumpers! We have the same one in a different color combo.
Jennifer, you are way to hard on yourself! I think you do great and far better than me and I have only 3 kids who are teenagers. You know I once went on vacation with the kids, no help. I did all the planning, packing and driving. I thought at the time it was the worst vacation I have ever had. Now when I look back on it-I think how wonderful it was.
All this just to say that it hard sometimes to appreciate things when your right smack dab in the middle of them! I know-been there. One day you will look back and laugh. Plus, the thought of your husband being thrown of kilter by a couple of little girls is quite adorable and funny!
Love those dresses!
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