Personally, 2013 has been great. For so many years, my life seemed to be consumed with preparing for an adoption or adjusting to an adoption. While I treasure those times, I feel like I was able to find some sort of "normal" this year (whatever that means!). I am quite aware that my life has no resemblance to what people consider normal, but for me...I wouldn't have it any other way!
This year brought an amazing trip to China (without an adoption), the start of Bryce's senior year, the beginning of high school for Braden, and the start of kindergarten for the two crazies. That last fact alone has helped me gain more control of the other areas of my life. I am not ashamed to admit that the beginning of kindergarten was very welcome :)
The girls and I were able to travel to Florida, Dallas, Minnesota, and Colorado to visit some very special friends and family.

2013 brought us Trevor...and also took Trevor away from us.

It's hard to believe that all of this happened in the past 12 months! As I look ahead to 2014, we are anticipating a high school graduation, Braden getting his driver's license, Bryce going to college and an amazing trip for Richard and I to celebrate our 20 year anniversary. Lots of exciting things on the horizon.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!!
I thought I would leave you with some funnies that have happened in the past couple of days. I try to keep up with all the funny that happen and are said, but I am not doing a good job of that. I will get better this year.
* I'm laying down with the girls the other night and Gracie says, "Let's get some shut up eye"
* Wesleigh sees a commercial for a pillow that keeps your head cool...she immediately says, "Oh, I need that!" She has talked about that thing over and over!
* Wesleigh woke up on Christmas Eve, thinking Santa had come. When she discovered there were no toys, she was heartbroken because she thought Christmas had been cancelled. She said, "But I've been counting the days everyday!"
* Out of the blue, Wesleigh has started calling Gracie "Grace" and Gracie has started calling Wesleigh "Wes".
* Wesleigh saw this picture a couple days ago. Her comment, "Why is Gracie so dark? She looks like Tiana, except for the curly hair" lol... She also asked the names of the "two white girls".
* Wesleigh is very jealous of the girlfriends. She loves that they're around, but gets very upset when they spend time with the brothers instead of them. We have had many tears and a few statements such as:
"Why are they just lubbin' each other?" (They were holding hands!!)
"Branen just takes Karleigh away from us every time"
"Why does Bice just want Alexandra to play wiff him and not us?"
"I'm tired of Bice lubbin' on Alexandra. All he wants to do is lub her."
I can't help but laugh every time she gets started. It's usually when she's tired and there's really no good way to calm her down. She keeps going on and on until I can get her to bed.
Dating is definitely a different experience when there are littles in the house!
*One more fun fact...the boys are all within 1 inch and 5 pounds of each other! There has been alot of stealing out of closets lately and because they all wear a size 12 shoe, there has been lots of shoe sharing. In fact, there is one pair of size 12 sperrys that have no real owner. Whoever needs them, wears them :) Braden and Cade are both going to need to start shaving soon!!!!
Look at this pic. Now look closer....see Braden and Cade's feet? They are each trying to make themselves taller than the other. They actually tattled on each other after this was shot :)
I have to wear some massive stilts to be even close to their height :) Love my tall boys!!
Praying for a blessed and happy 2014 for us all!!
Happy New Year!
You did a great job summing up the year! I am loving having these funny, grown-up grandsons!
Happy New Year!
KK @ Preppy Pink Crocodile
I've enjoyed reading all your Christmas post along withal the Great photos!!! What an exciting year you've had!!!
2014 will be full of all kinds of emotions with HS graduation and girls graduating from Kindergarten!!
How fun to be planning 20th wedding anniversary!!!
Enjoy every single moment!!
Happy New Year!!
Blessings sweet friend!
So many fun and funny moments in 2013!! Thankful to be a part of many of them both together and apart!!!! Can't wait to celebrate in paradise soon!!!
Love ya,
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