Only a boy would ever think of doing this to their punch balloon. Can you see what he drew under the nose? It's blood. He figured if he was punching the balloon in the nose, it would bleed. I guess he has a point! He had so much fun with this balloon until it popped. He now says he wants some balloons for Christmas. I think Santa can handle that one ;)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Only A Boy
Monday, October 27, 2008
Jack-O-Lantern Fun
(We just got haircuts today, so I promise, they look better now.)
Cade always has to be silly.
We're having a big Halloween party at our house after the kids trick-or-treat. It should be alot of fun, and the weather is supposed to be perfect! Most Halloweens we spend the night sweating because it's so hot, but not this year!! We might even be able to light a fire in the outside fireplace!
My Date With Bryce
Me and my handsome boy. I had to take him today to get the staples out of his head, and he has gained 10 pounds in the last 6 months! He weighs 100 lbs!! I can't believe how big he is.
Bryce and Christian
It was a great concert.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I also received an award this week from Kim. She was so sweet to send this my way. She and her peanuts make me smile big!

Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. I try most of the time.
2. Must love one another. I do.
3. Must make mistakes. Now I would be hard pressed on this one ;)
4. Must learn from others. I try to.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world. I hope so.
6. Must love life. Definitely.
7. Must love kids. Most of the time ;)
These are the rules for the Smile Award:
1. The recipient must link back to the awards creator.
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
I have chosen these 5 people to pass this award to. They definitely make me smile :)
1. Margie at Mississippizen. Margie just got home with her second China treasure. I don't think the past month has been a walk in the park, but she is always so sweet and loving.
2. Jill at Mission to Macie. Jill is crazy and I love that I have gotten to know her over the past few months. Anybody that has three boys, I immediately have a connection with.
3. Gwen at Oatsvall Team. Gwen is hysterical. She always has something crazy going on over there. I love to read about it. She inspires me to have a closer relationship with the Lord.
4. Adele at Making Memories with Mallory and Meridith. Adele is such a sweet friend. I am thankful we live close enough that we will be able to get to know each other better.
5. Lynn at Somewhere in the Sun. Although she has decided to close her blog, which does not make me smile. I wanted to send her off with this award to thank her for letting me follow along on their journey to Miss Olivia. Lynn is also a fellow baseball mom, and I love that. I will miss you, Lynn.
OK, now that I'm caught up, on with the show!! We have great weather here this weekend, so I'm hoping to enjoy that. My in-laws are in town, and I think I'll let the boys carve their pumpkins while there is back-up here! Bryce and I are going to a concert by the USAF concert band. I think it's going to be really great, and I am really looking forward to it. And, of course, there is game three of the World Series!! It's one-one right now, so we're all holding our breath!
Have a great weekend!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Who Says I Need Furniture?
He made this out of all the pillows from my bed and the cushions from the furniture outside. I think it's so adorable. I've had to tear it down a couple of times, but he just makes it back.
And just for good measure, here's another of his journal entries:

I subbed yesterday and I'm going to be in Cade's class the second half of today. He is so excited he couldn't sleep last night. Very sweet, but I know he's going to be crazy when I get there, so I'm not looking forward to that.
And, the Rays lost the first game, let's hope they have better luck tonight!
Hope you're all having a great week!
Monday, October 20, 2008
World Series, Baby!!
Can I just say "It's on" in the Doughty house.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, the Rays just beat the Red Sox and are on their way to the world series!! Guess who they'll be playing? You guessed it...the Phillies!!
Actually all of us except Cade are rooting for the Rays. We already have a trip planned to go to a Rays game next year, so the fact that they are in the World Series is a hoot! We already decided that Cade's team is going to have the same uniform as Braden's next year, so they will both be Rays... but Cade is fighting it all the way.
Go Rays!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
We Were Due
Richard took him to the emergency room, and he got a couple of staples put in his head. I am letting him stay home from school today. I figure, if you can't stay home after they staple your head back together, when could you ever stay home?!
The picture is more to document for Bryce, so I'm sorry if it grosses you out this morning :)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
7 Random Things
1. 90% of my life is spent in flip-flops. Because it's so warm here, we pretty much wear them all year round. I do have some boots and flats, but the boots aren't because it's cold.
2. I laugh constantly, and get teased all the time for it. I have tried to stop, but can't. Richard says it's who I am, and shouldn't try to change it, so I won't.
3. I LOVE to watch my boys play baseball. (Like you didn't already know that!) I love to watch them play any sport, but especially baseball.
4. I used to teach 1st grade before I had children. People ask me if I want to go back. The answer is "not really". There are days when it's a little slow here, but I don't know if I could teach other kids all day and then be civil to my own. All I really wanted to do with my life is be a mom anyway.
5. I spend ALOT of time volunteering at the kids' school. I am pretty much in charge of our AR wall, and that takes a good while every week. I sub sometimes, but don't really enjoy it. I am also in charge of our auction that we have every spring. I have to admit, though, I am not looking forward to that this year. I wonder if I could find someone else to head it up? hmmm...
6. The beach is my most favorite place in the world to be.
7. I talk constantly. It drives Richard crazy sometimes, and he's gotten quite good at tuning me out.
I'm supposed to tag 7 people, but I think I'm on the tail end of this one, so if you haven't yet done this tag, please do it. I always love to read people's answers. Some of you have some crazy random fact to share!
They Always Prove You Wrong
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Look What I Found!
Well, I have been wearing the heck out of it, and loving every minute. Yesterday, I got a comment on that post from the girl who designed that t-shirt! Her comment led me to her site and look what I found!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
What Makes Braden, Braden
Here's my post about Braden, if you missed Bryce's you can read it here. Cade's will be next.
He loves his hair long. I don't know why, but he refuses to wear it short at all.
He is a very picky eater. Drives me insane.
He is a trememdous baseball player (and any other sport). He is an awesome catcher and short stop.
He is very competitive, and absolutely hates to lose at anything. It gets him in trouble sometimes.
He loves for his room to be picked up. (not that it always is)
He has lots of freckles, just like his dad.
He loves to do anything with his dad.
He is the biggest hunter and fisherman of the three. He has been practicing pulling back a bow for months now so he could go bow hunting.
He is very thoughtful and kind.
He hates to color or draw, always has.
He and Bryce are opposite in just about every way. They are still great friends, though.
He is a HUGE blessing to our family.
Here are Braden's stats:
At 10 years and 1 months:
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thank You Secret Pal
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Bunch Of Animals!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
He Covered the Cow-lick
The answer to the previous post is that he successfully covered his cowlick! The one thing he hates most happens to be one of my favorite things about him. He has the exact same cowlick that I have and Bryce has. Bryce couldn't care less about it, but Cade's main goal in life is to get rid of the cowlick. We have gone from cutting his hair really short (he wanted to shave the cowlick) to growing it long (how it is now). I have to say, I was pretty impressed when he came in the other morning and it looked really good, but all good things have to come to an end. The picture above is what it looks like by the time he comes home. I hate to tell him, but it's not going anywhere. Can you tell he's not happy with me this afternoon? I made him do his homework, won't let him eat whatever he wants, and now I'm taking his darn picture. Yep, he has an aweful mom! Oh,'s tough!!
What's Different?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Dear Diary, chapter 2

Monday, October 6, 2008
Party Pics
Bryce and Rylan. I sent the other two boys to a friend's house to spend the night. I didn't want them hanging on me all night. They got to bed alot earlier than they would have with us ;)
Rylan with a campaign sticker on his rear. He is telling PawPaw something important.
Joel and his mini-me, Bryce. They looked so cute in their campaign colors.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Party Time
Here are a few pictures of the party decor. I have to say, everything was SO pretty! The campaign colors were lime green and brown which go perfectly with my house, so it was great. Everyone seemed to have a really good time, and the most important picture is this one:
This was after 26% of the precincts had reported, but he held strong the whole night. It was very exciting, especially when we knew for sure he had won!!
I'll post more, but I'm off to do this:
The piles have been lurking in all kinds of hiding places just waiting to pounce.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Election Day
Friday, October 3, 2008
One More Day!
Well, the countdown is almost over! I have gotten to the point that I am crossing things off the list just because I know they will not be done. That's ok, it is what it is. I have been extremely busy trying to get everything ready, but it's been alot of fun.
In the middle of all this, Richard and I had our 15th anniversary yesterday! I know, no sappy post, but I'm too busy for that right now! lol... We'll go out to eat sometime after the party to celebrate. He's my best friend, he understands ;)
Yesterday in the car, Cade said someone in his class got a detention. He said, "It wasn't me, I can tell you that for sure". He asked what would happen if he did get a detention. I said, "You would be getting a spanking at home." No response from him. Then I said, "And there would be no playing with your friends after school." His response, "That would be TORTURE!" That's my little social butterfly. Do whatever you want, just don't take the friends! I am working on Braden and Cade's posts (like Bryce's). I should have them done next week.
I got my nails and my hair done yesterday. I have been trying to let my hair grow out a little bit so I could put it in a pony tail, but I have noticed alot of hair falling out lately. When she started looking at my hair, I realized it looked just like it did after I had each baby: very thin with a whole layer of new growth underneath. Kind of like a dog!!!! We think it's because I got off the pill a few months back (Richard took care of that lol...). My body must think I had a baby!! I am not very happy about this, but there are people who lose hair for much worse reasons so I shouldn't complain. I guess I should just be happy my milk didn't come in!! Needless to say, it's short again. No reason to let it grow out when you have no hair!
Well, today is cleaning day. I have a girl coming to help, but there is so much to do, I'm going to stay here and help. I want to wipe down baseboard and clean windows, among other things. I'm just happy to be staying home today!
I'm planning to take lots of pictures during the party, so I'll be sure and post them after the weekend. I'm just hoping I'm able to take lots of "victory" pictures.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dear Diary...

Cade has the most awesome teacher ever. One of my favorite things she does with them is that they write in a diary every day. This will be my most prized possession ever! They brought them home today to show them off so I was able to scan a few pages. I had read this entry at his open house and about fell out of my chair when I saw it. We are in a new neighborhood and there is a new filing going in behind us. The boys had been going to play on this ginormous dirt pile for about a week. They were having a blast and I didn't think they were bothering anyone because it was always after the workers were done for the day. Well, this certain afternoon, there was someone who actually chased the boys away...ON A BULLDOZER!! The funniest thing was that I had no idea. After seeing this diary entry, I asked the boys about it. They fessed up that, in fact, a bulldozer had chased them away. I asked them if they had decided together not to tell me and they said they had. (This doesn't give me much peace about future trouble-making) If you look close at his drawing (you can click on it to make it bigger), you can see a boy on a bike saying "run, boy, run!" I love it!!!
I'm afraid I scanned quite a few of these and just have to share them with you in the days ahead. They are absolutely hysterical (and a little scary)! Good or bad, I'm afraid Cade's teacher will know every detail about our family before the end of the year :0