Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

The day after Christmas, we headed out of town to Richard's parents' for a couple of days. This is where the boys got Rock Band. They didn't get to play it until they got home, but they LOVE it! You might have to click on the collage to see it better, but my FIL made Bryce a sword. Bryce was in heaven! He has been asking us for a real sword to hang on his wall, and our answer is "you're crazy!" All those boys upstairs, with a sword, I can see it now. This wooden version is a good compromise, and was a complete surprise. You can also see a picture of the entire group. This was a riot because nobody could remember how to set their camera to do this! Luckily, I had my manual in my bag and figured it out. I also found a few settings and "perks" my camera has that I had completely forgotten about!
Christmas Afternoon
We had lunch at my brother and SIL's house. It was alot of fun, and the boys loved playing with their cousin, Rylan, and all his toys. All in all, we had a very calm Christmas day. It was really nice.
Christmas Morning
Christmas morning was alot of fun. The boys were so excited to get downstairs and see what Santa left them. Every year there seems to be one gift that is absolutely perfect. This year, that gift was Braden's. His baseball team is the Rays, and we plan to take a trip there this summer. We have some connections, so we are actually going to get to meet the team! Richard and I got him the full set of Rookie cards for the whole team. He'll be able to get them signed when we go! He loved them.
You see me holding my favorite gift. Cade made that flower with torn paper at school. I will treasure it always.
Christmas Eve
Braden's School Party
The three amigos: These three are trouble!! They are best buds, and love to be together.
Braden and Morgan have been sweet friends since kindergarten. Her mom is a teacher at the school. Aren't they cute?
Cade's School Party
These are pictures of Cade during his Christmas party at school. When I post his diary entrys, this is the awesome teacher who writes such sweet comments. She is one of my favorite people in the whole world. (She's one of Cade's too!)
Bryce's Christmas Concert
I'm going back to post all the fun things we were able to do during the Christmas season. Bryce had his annual Christmas band concert, and it was awesome! Their band is so unbelievable. I was so proud of him. We also found out that he made the honor band as an alternate. Considering he has only played the french horn for a few months, I think that is pretty great! Two sets of grandparents were able to be there, and I know that made him happy.
By the way, if I look tired...I was!! Working was kicking my butt!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Getting Back to Life
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
Update: We got our Christmas miracle. At about 11:00 this morning we got a call from a woman who said they had Britney. They live just down the street from us! I can't believe she's been that close this whole time. She was safe and well cared for this whole time. We are VERY happy to have her home!
I hope you are all having a great day with your families. All my boys (even Richard) are upstairs having a nerf gun war, and I'm downloading pictures from this morning. This one is from last night. We're on our way to my brother's in a little while.
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My Elves

No word on our dog yet. She is still missing. Thank you all for your sweet comments. I did have one "anonymous" comment that wasn't so nice, but that's ok. It's real easy to be cruel and ugly when you hide your identity. If she'd like to comment with her name, I'll be happy to respond.
I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas Eve. We're about to head over to my parents' for some seafood gumbo. That seems to be the meal of choice on Christmas Eve here in South Louisiana.
Have a Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Our Puppy is Missing
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another Diary Entry

This journal entry is so funny! I actually walked in his class while he was writing this. He was so happy to show me what he wrote until he remembered what it said! I read it, and then looked up at him. He turned red and sheepishly said, "Are you mad?". Of course not! He was sweet to have eaten it and not complained. I was very thankful.
Cade was watching tv the other night, and there must have been a storyline about a surprise party because he came in the room and announced that he wanted a surprise party. I chuckled at him, and he said, "It's three months away, I'll forget by then."
We're on our way to Bryce's Christmas band concert tonight. It doesn't start until 8:00! Can I tell you how bad I want to be in the bathtub right now? Not that I don't want to see the concert. I have really been looking forward to it, but I just wish it was a couple hours earlier!
I can't believe we're so close to Christmas!! I think I have everything ready, but keep thinking, surely I've missed something! What is it?!?!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Gingerbread Accomplished
You'll never guess what I decided to do with them after this! We went to Chuck E. Ch**se. I guess having them running around a place that wasn't my house was more appealing than staying home. It wasn't bad because there was hardly anyone there. It sure beat school ;)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Winter Wonderland
My parents came over yesterday to play in the snow with us. After everyone was frozen, we made a great big breakfast complete with hot chocolate. Then we went upstairs and watched the Polar Express. It was the perfect winter day.
The kids (and me) are off of school again today. I know all you northerners think that's crazy, but nobody here is used to icy conditions, so I guess they didn't want the buses driving through it. I think we'll make that gingerbread house kit that the boys have been driving me crazy about, and maybe I'll finish wrapping gifts.