I can't even believe it, we only have 11 more days of school! For Bryce, it will probably be much less than that. He'll find out Monday how many exams he gets to miss (it should be all of them!). They are all counting down the days, and so am I. I am REALLY ready to sleep late!! I remember a couple of years ago when the boys learned to sleep later than 7:00 - oh what a glorious summer! It is also 11 days until we head back to the beach. This time with the whole crew. I can't wait!
Another "eleven" today is our ticker. We hit eleven months since our LID. For some reason, that 10 seemed to stay on that ticker for a year! I didn't think we'd ever hit eleven.
You all keep asking for pictures of my girls weekend, but there aren't any. I really mean it when I say it was very laid back. I did bring the camera, but didn't even take it out. I figure we'll get tons of pictures when we go back.
It's Teacher Appreciation Week at our school, so I spent all of today serving food to our teachers. I am happy to do it, but I feel like I am behind on other things. I will be working hard to catch up for the rest of the week. We have 9 baseball games in the next 11 days, and I didn't even count the practices. I really do love baseball season, but wouldn't mind if it weren't quite so busy. No chance of that, so I might as well sit back and enjoy it!
Hope you are all having a great week!
Happy 11 months...
WOW .. 11 is the magic number...
Have a Great week...
You are going to be busy, busy, busy...
Hooray for eleven months!!! Another month closer!!
Only 11 days of school. My boys go til June 4th. When do you start? And I understand your feelings on baseball. Totally!
Have a good day and enjoy this 11-month milestone!
Happy 11!
We go to the middle of June here.
The beach sounds like a really wonderful thing right now! And 11 months in...YEY!!!
Congrats on another month--each one counts:) Glad you had a great time at the beach...very green with envy here:)
I was trying to wait until I was comment number 11.....oh well.
11 months and counting! That's great!
Im with you on the summer thing. I love summers and no schedule and sleeping in. Im not sure if I can train Mia to sleep much past 8am but how amazing woudl it be if I could get her to sleep till 9am-- that woudl be heaven. Even if I font get to sleep in, to just have no schedule and homework and all the crap that goes with that-- that is heaven. Plus, im off all summer also so it is alwasy a fun time!!!
11 days!!! We still have 23-- uggg but it is going fast!!!
Christy :)
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