Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
We're Back!
I had to show you the waves! The weather was a little cloudy, but the waves were huge! We've never seen them this big here.
We went crabbing one night. It was hysterical. We had some friends come over, and they all had a blast!
I took the boys out on the last night we were there to try to get some cute pictures. These are some of what I got: As you can imagine, I have a ton more, but I haven't really sorted through them yet. Hope you're having a great week!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
What Do Rednecks Do When They Live on a Golf Course?
Here are the three big boys. They were squating down. The water only came up to their knees right there, but they were cold.
Here is a shot of the green as they were throwing the balls up. This wasn't even close to all of them. Cade and I ran around collecting them in a net. We had to dodge the balls because they were throwing them so fast.
Here is some of the group with the "loot". That entire garbage can is filled to the top (plus what's on top). 1300 balls!
Truth is, I'm a little embarrassed to show you all this post because I am sure you think we're crazy. Truth is, we are, and we love it that way!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hope You Didn't Have a Tee Time
Can you see the tee box in the middle of the water by the fountain?
This is the ninth hole. Look how deep the water is!
So what do you think my boys have been doing all day? Yep. They're banned from the house right now because they're soaking wet. Gotta love the boys (and the outside shower)!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Bryce's Big Night and a Special Thank You
Bryce and my dad (PawPaw)
Bryce and Richard's mom (Mama Bec). She drove in from Houston just to see the concert.
I also got a special surprise tonight. My friend, Marcy, sent me this special treat:
Is it not the cutest? The top pacifier says "sweetheart" in Chinese! The bottom one says sweetheart in English. She was so sweet to send it to me. Thanks Marcy!!
Look Close
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saying Goodbye to "the Box"
Friday, May 9, 2008
Happy Mother's Day Weekend
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Eleven is the Number of the Day!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Do you know how much food we brought to the condo? ( I was going to take a picture, but I didn't) We had one loaf of bread, one container of lunch meat, mayo, cokes, water, and coffee. We just laughed because we'll be back in a couple of weeks with all the kids (7 of them), and it will be a much different story.
Hope you're having a great week!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Off To The Beach!

So, it's not exactly this beach, but I don't care! A girlfriend and I are leaving the husbands, kids, ballgames, carpool lines, dirty clothes and dishes behind and heading for the coast! I can't wait. I wanted to visit you all before I left, but I didn't get the chance. Have a great weekend, and I'll catch you when I get back!!
A Great Day!
If any of you moms ever used a breast pump, you should be able to relate to this one! I know I could!
A good friend of mine who teaches 2nd grade told me that Cade came up to her and said, "Mrs. Smith, next year, me and my friend Collin are coming your way." When he said "coming your way", he snapped his fingers and pointed both of them at her. This child never stops making me laugh. I don't know how he got such a big personality. I love it!!