Bryce and his friend Hunter got to hunt together without an adult. Makes me very nervous, but they seem to have done ok. Bryce shot a 6 point, but got in big trouble because he wasn't supposed to kill a deer that small. We were proud of him for making the shot all by himself, though.
I have to post these pictures of them with the deer because they are so proud. I know some of you might not like them, but I hope you'll still love me.
Here is Braden with his first deer. Richard said he was so excited that as soon as he shot, he hugged Richard and wouldn't let go. So sweet.
And here are the brothers together with their deer.
Great job boys...
And the way you raise your children are just fine...
We have a 13, 14 & 17... soon to be 14,15, & 18 in the next 3 months...
We have a rule.. you do not go to anyones house or go anywhere with anyone unless we actually meet the parents.. if we do not like them.. they do not go..
My oldest son.. is going to be 18 in Feb.. (he is a Junior this year- we held him back in K) but he went on his first actual date on Sunday night...
ANd that does not mean he will go on them on a reg. basis..
We are very , very protective... there are so many children out there that their parents do not care... and they are doing drugs and getting in trouble..
My children are very responsible and are polite and treat people with respect...
I am soooo proud of my children.. and they don't mind a bit..Because they only hang out with kids just like them..
So I give you all the respect in the world..
Those other kids act like that because their parents don't give a crap...
Have a Great Week
YES! I think we all struggle with our kids' friends and I give you major kudos for a.) realizing it and b.) doing something about it. I don't know what the "answers" are - but I know that BEING there and CARING and PAYING ATTENTION on high on the list of raising your kids right! We live in a latchkey neighborhood & I swear that I am the only mom home. There are kids running the streets night & day & always at my house for games/food, etc...My own children aren't allowed to cross the street without asking me! Please, don't ever think that you are being too strict - I think that is when we "give up" and our kids will totally read it! I think you are doing a great job!
Tomorrow night the hunters are coming to our house. My FIL, BIL, my two boys, my husband and my step-daughter are all going hunting together bright and early Thursday morning. Tomorrow night everyone is staying the night at our house. So, I understand what it's like to be in a hunting family. I will be thrilled if they bring home a deer. I am a big time city girl, but I have married a hunting man.
My friends have very similar parenting styles to mine, so we don't have any issues there. It is actually my 2 sister-in-laws who we have a hard time with. It makes things very difficult. Last 4th of July they stayed with us and their children stole things from our house.
We dfinitely have those situations. It is a difficult choice sometimes but I have made the decision I am just not going to let my children be around those that do not share our values. We do alot of things alone becasue of it but I am so happy I wouldn't change anything.
Good for you for sticking to your gut.
Ok, I am not a hunting fan, but I can appreciate their excitement!
As for your post about friends and are right! We also are protective of who our children spend their time with. On the other hand, they also need to figure this out for themselves and make choices about friends at school, etc...all part of growing up. But when it comes to hanging out on a regular basis, or sleeping over, we usually have the last word!
I happen to LOVE the deer pictures. Maybe because I have some of my own. Not to mention deer mounts hanging in my family room! When Monte shot his first deer last year I was so happy for him I cried. (my hubby said Monte cried too)
And I understand about being strict. We are too!! Your doing whats right regardless of what anyone else says. Monte is in 4th grade and over half his class has cell phones. What the heck does a 9 year old need with a cell phone!?!
Ok, so I don't really like deer pictures, but my hubby is a hunter (or tries to be, he really doesn't have the time), too, so I understand! Besides, when I found out the we've had mountain lions in the area because of the overinflux of deer...I say, go hunting! (If I have to deal with mountain lions, I should at least be able to enjoy some mountains).
As far as the parenting goes...seems to me you're on the right track. I so dislike it when friends that I like raise their kids differently and are a bad influence on my kids. It's hard! But kids come first. And although you may be too strict by the world's standards, your job as a parent is to follow God's standards.
Question for you...I think I'm too protective! Was this the first time the boys have gone hunting? Brandy would like to get the kids a little 4 wheeler and later on Tye a gun (he's only 4 now!) and I just don't know...
I know you're so proud of him, and yes he does look so cute. But.... Bambi...... they run wild in my back yard and I just love them..... I know, I know boys will be boys. lol.
nice pics. My Hubs was even checkin out that nice little buck. He said "what are you looking at? Blogs?" Made me LOL. He's used to seeing little asian beauties on my computer screen, not boys and deer. Too funny!
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