OK, so can you guess which is which? The good news is that there are only one bad and one ugly (at least in this collage!). The top left is the bad. You should see the mess that is EVERYWHERE! Richard was there late today trying to get things cleaned up so people can work. Next would be the middle, top. Can you say U-G-L-Y?! That is MY bedroom! The picture really makes is look a little better than it does in person. It is so bright, it looks like it should be in a 10 year old girl's bedroom. They will be repainting it soon! The next two pics are of the color I chose for the dining room and the entry. I LOVE this color! It is such a gorgeous shade of turquoise. It totally makes up for the ugly green choice! Next is all the old doors lined up. They were all sealed over the holidays. The middle, right is the beginnings of Cade's built-in bunk beds. They are going to be so cool. The guy is going to use some wooden bats in the design. I can't wait to see it! Bottom, right is the built-in's that are in the children's den. Next is the state balcony. Doesn't it look awesome? It's not finished yet, but I love it! And, finally, maybe my most favorite feature of the whole house: the lockers! Every child has one, and there is plenty of space for jackets, backpacks, shoes, and whatever else they are throwing all over my floor now. They are in the laundry room which opens to the garage. All the cabinets in there are painted this awesome olive green color (the picture doesn't really show the color well). Well, that's the update. There has been alot of work done, but there is still SO much to do. The builder told me today that he doesn't see us being ready for the Christmas party. I had actually given up on that a few days ago, but now I just want to be in for Christmas. I hate not having a Christmas tree up, or any decorations! We'll see which workers show up tomorrow.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Our Weekend
One of the food plots.
A deer Richard saw.
We had a campfire Friday night. The boys love to chop
up bamboo and watch it burn. We also have a family tradition
of having a marshmallow fight. None of us like to eat them,
so instead of roasting them, we throw them at each other.
Sounds crazy, but it's actually alot of fun!
Well, we ended up all being well enough to have Thanksgiving on Thursday. Thankfully, I am the only one in our house who got the stomach bug. We left Thanksgiving evening to spend some time at the camp. We had a great day yesterday, but then Braden started crying saying his ear hurt, and Cade has been coughing horribly. We came home today so I could bring Braden to the doctor. Sure enough, he has an ear infection. Cade is still coughing, but I am hoping he will get better now that we're home. It has been such a cold, rainy day today, and we have enjoyed having a cozy afternoon at home. One more day until school starts. I am hoping we can all take advantage of it and sleep late!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
They're Back!
The best thing about having him back is seeing how excited they all are to see each other. I don't think they realize how much they miss each other until they are back together again. They have been playing together all afternoon. I'm sure the fighting will start again, but for now, I'm enjoying the brotherly love!
What a Week
My dad and Bryce come home today. They have had a great trip. I can't wait to see all the pictures. Hopefully, they don't catch this virus either.
The house is moving along. There were so many people in there yesterday, I didn't even go in (besides that I didn't want to throw up on anyone). I need those workers healthy!
Hope everyone's having a great week. We are still waiting to see if anyone gets sick to know whether we will be having a "feast" or not.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Well, Here They Are
The painters were there Saturday priming all the trim, and hopefully are there today painting a couple of the bathrooms because the tile guys are coming tomorrow to start tiling them. We also start forming up the driveway this week, so if everyone shows up like they're supposed to, we might have a chance to make it for the Christmas party. Keep your fingers crossed!! Or better yet, PRAY!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Off They Go...
My dad is taking Bryce on a trip to Washington DC this week. They just left for the airport a few minutes ago. Bryce has been so excited about this trip for weeks. I am so excited for him. The fact that he gets to go with Paw Paw and all by himself makes it that much better! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
So Cute!
Here's my cutie at about 2. I love this picture, it makes me laugh everytime I see it. That is so Cade's personality - a total ham!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
They're FINALLY Up!!
They had to get every person who was at the house to carry the beam inside. We had stucco guys, painters, trim guys, etc. I wasn't there for that, but would have loved to get a picture of it. Here they are starting to lift it:
Going up:
So the big one is up, and the second one is being supported by the lifts. They'll put a third one up tomorrow. I think they look GREAT! The best part was the builder admitted that he was wrong, and the size looks great! I love it when I'm right!!!LOL
And as a bonus, all the columns are now up, and they have put the first coat of stucco on them. I think they'll be ready for the color coat tomorrow! I'll update then.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Braden's First Deer
Bryce and his friend Hunter got to hunt together without an adult. Makes me very nervous, but they seem to have done ok. Bryce shot a 6 point, but got in big trouble because he wasn't supposed to kill a deer that small. We were proud of him for making the shot all by himself, though.
I have to post these pictures of them with the deer because they are so proud. I know some of you might not like them, but I hope you'll still love me.
Here is Braden with his first deer. Richard said he was so excited that as soon as he shot, he hugged Richard and wouldn't let go. So sweet.
And here are the brothers together with their deer.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The One Column'd Monster
Just for clarification, the invitations going out was not brave on my part. Richard's office sent them out. I asked him yesterday if we had a back-up plan, and he said, "Well, the invitations went out yesterday". Whoo Hoo!!!
Oh, and by the way, you are all invited!! However, if I were you, I'd come in the summer when the pool is in.
I'm Still Here
Monday, November 5, 2007
Better Late Than Never
Sunday, November 4, 2007
What A Weekend!
Here are Rachel and I after the tigers won:
So, now back to reality, in other words: laundry!! I don't know exactly what my dad did with the kids this weekend, but they sure wore alot of clothes doing it! At least I have an extra hour to get another load in!
Friday, November 2, 2007

Well, today we leave to go see the tigers play Alabama. It is a HUGE game, and I wasn't supposed to go until a couple of days ago. Ends up, one of my best friends is coming with us too. I can't wait! And my kids get to have some quality time with Paw Paw!
I have been SO swamped with the house lately that I have not had any time for the computer. This week has been crazy busy there (which is awesome), but I don't see it letting up until we move in. I will post some updated pictures next week.
I hope I will be able to catch up with everyone soon.
I'm off to pick up this crazy house we live in, so my kids and my dad won't be tripping over dirty clothes all weekend. Which makes me wonder - if I only wash clothes on the weekend, and I'm going to be gone all weekend...hmmmm....
Have a great weekend everyone! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!